Super size your learning and pass the exam without the drama!

Online flashcards & practice questions

Super size your learning and pass the exam without the drama!

Online flashcards & practice questions

Put your knowledge to the test with our amazing dietetic exam study tools!

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RefreshExamS® Flashcards

We’ve been tutoring dietitians-to-be for so many years and we’ve used our knowledge and experience to build this set of unique signature online flashcards that makes such a difference to our students!

  • Digital flashcards to study wherever you learn best!
  • Automatic update access so you get access to updates in real time
  • Monthly subscription so you can keep learning as long as you need them

Success is on the cards

Flashcards are one of the most effective ways to retain factual information.

Using flashcards triggers active recall memory: a way of embedding information for better recall.

Our flashcards also test how well you know your facts allowing you to focus on topics that need more attention!

Digital flashcards means you have access to study tools wherever you are: on the bus, in the bath, or at a cafe!

RefreshExamS® Flashcards

We’ve been tutoring dietitians-to-be for so many years and we’ve used our knowledge and experience to build this set of unique signature online flashcards that makes such a difference to our students!

  • Digital flashcards to study wherever you learn best!
  • Automatic update access so you get access to updates in real time
  • Monthly subscription so you can keep learning as long as you need them

Success is on the cards

Flashcards are one of the most effective ways to retain factual information.

Using flashcards triggers active recall memory: a way of embedding information for better recall.

Our flashcards also test how well you know your facts allowing you to focus on topics that need more attention!

Digital flashcards means you have access to study tools wherever you are: on the bus, in the bath, or at a cafe!

RefreshExamS® Flashcards: Basic

Monthly digital access from anywhere you are!

Quizlet platform for easy access.

Over 100 flashcard sets from all domains to learn all the exam topics.

$29.99 /monthly repeat subscription, cancel any time

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$29.99 USD

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What other people are saying...

Get your studies across the finishing line!

You want tutors who have real-life experience to help you learn and understand what you’re learning. To get a true understanding, you want to learn from genuine experts in the field with years of experience. Our tutors are all working professionals who can supplement your factual knowledge with real stories and authentic examples that help you with recall during the exam.

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